More often than not, at least in the book of my life, the expected does not always come to pass. But when it does, it gives an utter sense of satisfaction, triumph and fulfillment. Funny thing though, it seems often not to last for long. Forgotten instantly when we have willed to achieve another. But when it doesn’t
come to pass, the sense of disappointment, regret, and even failure seems to stick with you longer than you anticipate. And even resurfaces unknowingly during better times ruining the moment.
The expected makes life predictable. It leaves the future bereft of surprise. And the longer and stronger the sense of anticipation, the more hurtful when it is not fulfilled. I’ve come to notice that expectations when fulfilled often entail a weak impact on our lives. The feeling of accomplishment is often more spur of the moment rather than life changing. What really makes a difference and life exciting is the unexpected.